Rejuvenate with Postpartum Care



FAQ Pospartum Ayurdoula

FAQ Birth Doula


Herbs For Postpartum

Postpartum Cooking

Foods to Avoid

Ayurdoula Training

Ayurdoula Care and Training

Become an Ayurdoula


· Discover Ayurvedic Medicine and its gifts for you, your own family, and your clients best care.

· Learn the power of the Ayurvedic postnatal home spa hot oil treatments.

· Prepare & experience delicious suitable meals for the unique and little understood special perinatal needs.

· Learn to teach simple & effective Ayurvedic infant massage.

· Discover methods to avoid & manage colic.

· Discover how to avoid & help reverse Postpartum Depression.

· Prepare formulas for key postpartum herbal support.

· Cultivate counseling wisdom for postnatal families.

· Learn to teach mom self massage

· Experience and study essential oils to safely support more comfortable & healthy pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and family life.

· Assist in parental and infant bonding.



Increase your income while helping and serving mothers in their most vulnerable sacred time.

Women’s health care has been the most neglected field in medicine. We now have OB/GYN, midwives & labor doulas to help us from conception through the birth process. The most  needed & necessary area of care is after birth. There is so much emotional & invisible internal work going on after birth and this is where an Ayurdoula can provide invaluable care and support.

Postpartum recovery is a much neglected part of women’s health care. Many cultures have special care for women after birth; herbs, diet, & massage. In America and elsewhere postpartum depression is a billion dollar industry. Unfortunately, nursing moms are being given drugs to help them recover. This is where a postpartum Ayurdoula can greatly help! We give moms a diet and care plan that can avoid or diminish postpartum symptoms. This special care has incredible benefits not only for mom and her family, but extends to society in general.
After seeing remarkable results, I am offering a new standard of care for maternal-infant well being. Now you can have the opportunity to offer your clients profound and rapid rejuvenation so they can truly enjoy their natural ability to mother. A happy mom makes a happy family!

To receive more information about becoming an Ayurdoula:



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