Rejuvenate with Postpartum Care



FAQ Pospartum Ayurdoula

FAQ Birth Doula


Herbs For Postpartum

Postpartum Cooking

Foods to Avoid

Ayurdoula Training

Ayurdoula Care and Training

Postpartum AyurDoula F.A.Q.



 What is a postpartum doula?


Postpartum doulas go into the home and help for the first few weeks with breast feeding, newborn care and instruction, mother care, offer resources and give general family, breastfeeding, kitchen, light household support and community resources. A postpartum doula has 2 to 3 days class training plus documented practical experience according to her certifying organization, usually DONA or CAPPA.



 What is an AyurDoula?


A postpartum AyurDoula has a minimum of 120 class and internship hours training with many more hours practice, study and testing. She serves the role of a postpartum doula and more. She understands much that mothers of many older cultures used to know, and all mothers should understand. These are simple and natural principles involved in restoring strength, vitality and balance in maternal and infant physiology after childbirth.


She understands the unfortunately little known dietary and lifestyle choices which can minimize or avoid colic and depression, as well as many other common discomforts. She will be available to guide yoy to make the best choices for your situation. She is trained in the arts of Ayurvedic Mother and Infant warm oil treatments (like simple, soothing massage),  postpartum cooking, and may have experience with some  safe key postpartum herbals and essential oils to enhance your comfort and rejuvenation.


Above all, she offers her TLC like any doula or other mother for your ease, comfort and happiness. And she also has limits to what she can learn even in the AyurDoula advanced training program. She knows herself to be part of a greater network of health practitioners, both your doctor or midwife and others trained in peri-natal and specifically Ayurvedic work.



 What are the benefits of AyurDoula Care?


Tailored Support for Mom’s Best Rest Rejuvenation! Depending upon the length and details of your care and your commitment to both following the recommendations and perhaps upon special complications, you can still expect wonderful results in the direction of the following:


    * Easily avoid colic & depression

    * Extended & Enhanced bonding

    * Delicious suitable meals & menu planning

    * Delicious herbals for lactation, digestion & rejuvenation

    * Deeply Soothing Mom’s Massage

    * Tender Loving Infant Massage instruction

    * Ample lactation and experienced support

    * Effective herbals & essential oils for special needs support

    * Decades of Lasting Benefits



 Who relies on a Postpartum AyurDoula?


    * Mothers who are tired and want skilled support with their rejuvenation.

    * Mothers returning early to work.

    * Mothers with high risk of PPD (20%)

    * Mothers after C-sections (25%)

    * Families favoring a life of holistic health

    * Referring professionals, for their clients’ best continuity of care

    * Mothers of Birthing Mothers unable to otherwise give the needed support

    * Anyone needing basic household, meals, emotional & family support



 What do you mean by 42 Days for 42 Years?


According to the 6,000 year old medical texts in Ayurveda by Sushrut, we women are in a very special window for 42 days after childbirth, extended by 10 days to 2 weeks more if there is surgery (yes, they had very good surgical technique then if needed)


They say that we are psycho-physiologically as delicate as our babies during this time, even if we can muster all kinds of will-power (oh my, can we), know-how, coordination, and devoted loving service. We are naturally led by our hearts in service often even when we are totally overwhelmed.


After childbirth we have LOTS of invisible work to do! And it is our biological mandate, our own Mother Nature’s program we could say, to restructure our whole physiology in the direction of greater ability to love and serve, if we give it the chance.


This is why so many cultures have similar traditions to what we are trained in.  And why they say choices now are perhaps more significant than any other time in our lives, for our ability to mother, partner, and serve our world for the next 42 years! It is also about how long it takes food to convert from initial digestion to all the tissues in the regenerative process. For the subtlest and deepest tissues, the reproductive, it takes up to 42 days – from eating a meal to rejuvenating that tissue …



What can I expect with a consultation over the phone?


It depends upon your request and need, based upon a question and answer dialog about your experience, lifestyle, constitution, imbalances, and habits and how they relate to the known natural imbalances and needs of childbearing written about in the Ayurvedic textbooks for over 6,000 years. We can share ideas found valuable for so many of our clients, various body/emotional/mind/supportive measures you can do yourself or choose to do with a little help.


These ideas are used around the world by cultures which don't have problems postpartum, and are often very easily understood and used yourself to maximize your recovery from your birth. These tips are based upon my experience with postpartum mothers as well as about using therapeutic grade essential oils and on my Ayurvedic training of course and experience as mother of two wonderful children & 2 grandchildren. I will also offer if you wish which essential oils or other herbs I might use if it were me and possibly discuss specific herbals known to support your situation safely in some possible formula specific to these considerations. I cannot however presume to replace the advice of your physician or midwife, only to perhaps supplement it.


If we schedule your appointment right, I can call you back no charge to you on long distance. Email or call me with a few options for your best time to talk and I'll get back with you as soon as I can. You can pay by Pay Pal or mail a check. Rate is still posted $60/hour although to my astonishment, someone who overheard me doing a consult, who worked for years for a well known Ayurvedic doctor, informed me I should be charging $150/hour for the level of service offered. (38..., or use the contact button to email.



 What do you need to know from me before we start?


Let us know your condition and when due or delivered. If there are specific problems showing up I am not trained to discuss a medical “disease” by name, rather I can serve you better just talking about your experience and speaking of the tissues and systems in need.


Click here for our registration interview form and we should be able to keep our time down if your there is much you have to tell, or if you want in home care. Or just contact us by email or phone for an appointment, and let us know any caveats on your schedule.



 Are these herbal food supplements safe for pregnancy and/or postpartum?


This is of utmost concern, and part of our studies in our training. Every woman postpartum shares some common needs, so the basic four herbal supplements usually satisfy everyone, unless you are aware one of the ingredients does not suit you. In addition, your individual constitution and present condition all influence why we often also choose to supplement with different herbs for different people sometimes, even with the same apparent concerns.



 What about essential oils – how do I know what is safe?


Lots of research is available and ongoing, including at the where Dr. Gary Young has used many essential oils on all of his pregnant and postpartum clients including his wife, Mary, with natural childbirth with her first baby at age 54 and second, age 56. For a list of safe oils and suggested kits for pregnancy, please contact us.



 Is there any national standard or certification for AyurDoulas?


Not at this time, but we are working on standardizing the training programs across the country as well as offering to work with the National Ayurvedic Medical Association which is beginning to create national standards for Ayurvedic training and titling. Organization and funding teams will be needed to create both the research and publicity to help get this wonderful work to mothers everywhere.



This seems like expensive care at a time I have so many other priorities and expenses.


Please visit our CARE page where you will see many options to build a program of self and AyurDoula care that fits your resources. And remember, this is not about selfish pampering! The value of a mother’s well being is well researched to impact her family health and happiness in a baby’s first hours, months, and 2—3 years. The easiest time to influence it is immediately postpartum, when heart and body are so open and biologically guided to restore at deepest levels in loving service.


Take a look again at the discussions under “42 Days for 42 Years” above, and the Benefits of AyurDoula care. Choices now are significant for a long time to come, more than maybe any other time in your life.


If you are at all familiar with the costs of postpartum depression alone, consider this. There are possible complications of initial medications which are not safe for breastfeeding, giving the major hurdle of pumping and relactation, or letting go of this sacred opportunity for your baby’s health as well as yours.


PPD Costs commonly include both time and expense for medical and psychological visits, physical and emotional health issues for over a year and maybe years on antidepressants with their frequent side effects (and the major challenges in getting off them. For such options please contact us for referrals and go to


Postpartum rejuvenation expenses include many problems regarding weight, joints, reproductive health, hormones including thyroid, digestive health and relationship health. 40% of divorcing men cite postpartum as the beginning of the break-up of their marriage. Hard to figure in dollar amounts, but stop and think about it … we don’t really need to!



 Is there research on these benefits of Postpartum Ayurdoula Care?


Unfortunately not enough yet, although those of us practicing over these years have seen more than enough.  It is among our goals to inspire the eye of scientific investigation, as well as to begin writing up our many case histories. So far we are a small and underfinanced group working from the heart.



For a Free Consultation:

Call 352-328-6595
